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German Course for Beginners
Learn German - online, simple, independently
and for free!
Our German course for Beginners is complemented by German
exercises in three levels. You can interactively and independently
test your progress and apply German grammar rules.
For each German lesson you can find graded German exercises in the
levels 'easy', 'medium' and 'difficult'.
For those wishing to work offline there's a print version
Exercise 1 - Konjugation Präsens, Personalpronomen I
Exercise 2 - Bestimmter und unbestimmter Artikel I
Exercise 3 - Bestimmter und unbestimmter Artikel II
Exercise 4 - Modalverben
Exercise 5 - Personalpronomen II, trennbare Verben
Exercise 6 - Possessivpronomen
Exercise 7 - Präpositionen mit Dativ und mit Akkusativ
Exercise 8 - Wechselpräposition
Exercise 9 - Präteritum
Exercise 10 - Perfekt