Internationally Recognised
German Language Proficiency Certificates

How well do you speak German?

A requirement for universities and an advantage for many jobs, having an internationally recognised certificate proving your German language skills is a must.

  • OSD-Grundstufe Deutsch, GD
    A certificate for learners whose German language skills comprise communication in private and professional situations on an elementary level.
    European Framework*: Level A2 / Waystage
  • Zertifikat Deutsch, ZD
    The Zertifikat Deutsch is a joint certificate of OSD, the Goethe Institute, WBT, EDK and University of Fribourg. This certificate is widely recognized by conservatories as entrance examination and by employers as sufficient evidence of proficiency in German and improves your chances of success on the job market.
    European Framework*: Level B1 / Threshold

For university entrance you will need one of the following certificates - check specific requirements with the university of your choice!

  • 'DSH' and 'TestDaF'
    You can take the 'DSH' ("Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber") in Germany and at some other licensed centres.
    'TestDaF' stands for test in German as a foreign language ('Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache') and is an equivalent of the 'DSH'.
  • 'ZMP'
    ZMP stands for 'Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung' and is accepted by some German universities as sufficient proof of your German language proficiency.
  • OSD Mittelstufe, MD
    The candidate is supposed to be able to handle subjects beyond everyday situations. Not only linguistic, but also pragmatic and intercultural knowledge is expected. The OSD-Mittelstufe examination is recognized by Austrian and most German universities as fulfilling language entrance requirements.
    European Framework*: Level C1 / Effective-proficiency

*The Common European Framework of Reference as issued by the European Commission is the basis for the advancement of European multilingualism.

Are you looking for a job or thinking about applying to a university in Germany or Austria?  Taking a language course in a German speaking country is the perfect way to improve your German and earn the necessary proficiency certificate. 
Click here to book a course or request more information.

Recommended German language school in Vienna

At the ActiLingua Academy you learn standard German according to a recognized curriculum. ActiLingua Academy offers top standards of language tuition, a successful range of German courses taught by motivated and university-educated teachers, an ideal learning environment and modern teaching equipment.

They offer tailored exam preparation for the OSD-exams! recommends:
Get your German language diploma at ActiLingua Academy in Vienna. Order Free BrochureMore information


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